
LOVE HIM MADLY Represented by Katie Shea at the Donald Maass Literary Agency:


Media Contact:

Independent Publishers Group
814 N. Franklin St.
Chicago, IL 60610
312.676.4256 direct
312.337.1807 fax

9 responses to “Contact

  1. Dear Judy, I am a young writer here is Sacramento and I am just discovering you and your work and I am very impressed. I was wondering if there was a time I could chat with you about some of your work. Interestingly, I also graduated from Eastern Washington University for my Bachelor’s and like you I then came to northern California (for my PhD) where I reside. I couldn’t find an e-mail for you anywhere. Thank you very much.

  2. Dear Ms. Huddleston,

    I have been trying to find your updated version of the book, Like He Was God, but no luck. Is it out, (I know the old version is out of print) and if so, any piece of advice of how I could get it?

    With Respect,

    Jaylana Allison
    Arlington VA

    • Hi Jaylana–Thanks for asking about the new book. It is coming out this May, 2013. Chicago Review Press, the publisher, has retitled it LOVE HIM MADLY. Right now they are finishing the cover and proofreading, but when I have more specific details, I’ll let you know. I’m sure it will be available on Amazon and in local bookstores. Best, Judy

  3. Dear Judy,

    Thank you so much for your response. I feel little embarrassed that I thought it may already be out. In any case: madly looking forward!



  4. Hi Judy,

    I sent you an e-mail to an account I’m unsure if you use anymore – though it didn’t bounce back, so I assume the address is still valid. I can forward it wherever if you haven’t received it otherwise.

    Thank you for the integrity of your visual and literary works. It’s all part of it – the rawness of the real.

    Hope to hear from you,


  5. Hello Judy, my name is Glenda. I live on the Monterey Peninsula. I heard about you today from Barbara. She said that you write creative nonfiction. I am in need of a tutor / instructor. Is this something you have time or are interested in doing? Thank you, Glenda

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